Union Beauty

Welcome to our blog!

About UsAngela TaorminoComment

It’s our newest project, taking an opportunity to share what it’s like to be a salon owner, a hair stylist, a front desk coordinator, and a member of a really sweet team and community. When I opened Union Beauty eleven years ago, I wanted to create a neighborhood spot where my stylists and I could do excellent hair in a warm and kind space. I couldn’t have imagined our journey to this point: thousands of clients met and served, so many staff along the way, and so many neighborhood friends made. Our special vantage point here on Union Street in Park Slope affords us a wonderful window into our corner of Brooklyn.  For me, the best part of being an owner is facilitating that relationship between client and stylist, supporting a space and team who meets each client where they are and makes them feel great.  

Have you ever wondered what the point of a consultation is? Why and how do we choose our retail brand partners? Are bangs a good idea? What does our front desk team do if they’re not answering the phone? What can you learn in a hands-on styling class? What is a whorl?! WHAT IS THE HALLOWEEN THEME THIS YEAR? Check back here to find out!

xo Angela

Impromptu 10th Anniversary Celebration!